ProfNigma Stories #10: Schneider’s Island #1


iCarly/Victorious: Schneider’s Island #11 – Rip

[Warning – there is no sex in this story, please don’t hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]

&#034What kind of game are you talking about, Savanna?!&#034 Freddie practically shouted. &#034What did my dad say?!&#034

&#034Freddie!&#034 Spencer said in a hushed angry tone, scooping up his daughter once more. &#034You can’t just yell at her like that.&#034

&#034Savanna just said that this was a game.&#034 The two men had no gained the attention of the whole group now. &#034A game my father is playing for me.&#034

&#034Then let’s head upstairs and ask him,&#034 Spencer said, trying to keep calm, and wondering if his father was right about the grizzled sheriff all along.

&#034I don’t think that’s a possibility,&#034 Noelle said, nervously interjecting.

&#034What do you mean it isn’t an option?!&#034 Freddie said, pushing past everyone and heading back into the inn. Just as he reached the stairs to look, Noelle informed him of what his eyes were now alerting him to.

&#034He’s gone. Cat and I ran by his room when you guys came out of the tunnel.&#034

&#034And you didn’t-&#034

&#034Cool you fucking jets, Benson,&#034 Sam said, sliding into his path. &#034We haven’t exactly had more than a second to recover just yet since we found the k*d.&#034

Spencer sat Savanna on the couch and kneeled in front of the girl. &#034I need you to tell me what happened, sweetie. What did the policeman say to you?&#034

&#034He said if I did what he wanted me too, I could see Mommy.&#034

The group exchanged some heavy looks of dread, wondering exactly what that meant, while Spencer could only see it for a promise of murder. The lanky father lunged at Freddie and pinned him against the nearest wall.

&#034What the hell is wrong with your dad?!&#034 he screamed as Andre and Nate moved to separate the two of them.

&#034Whoa…&#034 Andre said, pulling Spencer back a bit. &#034Can I just say that this is nuts?&#034

&#034He’s right,&#034 Nate said, watching Freddie to see if he’d retaliate. &#034None of this makes any damn sense.&#034

&#034The sheriff seemed to check out,&#034 the musician continued. &#034We talked to him and everything, and with that leg, there’s no way he could move that fast.&#034

&#034He ran out of here pretty damn fast after we won his ‘game’ didn’t he?&#034 Spencer said, snapping a bit at the nice guy.

&#034There’s no real proof of that, though…&#034 Noelle said calmly. &#034We just know that he disappeared.&#034

&#034Like Mr Beck…&#034

All eyes suddenly turned towards the small ch*ld and the slow realization that perhaps that ‘safe room’ might not be so safe.

&#034We should go down there and try and find him,&#034 Tori said, very nervously.

&#034No,&#034 Freddie said, apparently believing he spoke for everyone. &#034No more splitting up. Savanna said that room was safe and maybe it is, but if it isn’t, odds are it’s already too late for us to help him.&#034

Tori wanted to fire back and stand up to Freddie, especially as nice as Beck had been to her, and he did save Savanna… But given the looks that the others gave, the choice was pretty clear.

&#034Look,&#034 Freddie said, motioning toward the couches, &#034the state police should be arriving really soon, and everything is going to be fine. We just need to wait it out, and stay together.&#034

&#034Yay… Cops…&#034 Sam said as sardonically as possible, waving her finger in a feigned celebration while rolling her eyes. &#034Cannot wait.&#034

* * *

&#034I’m telling you guys… this k*d is not dangerous. I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding.&#034

The young black officer, riding shotgun in the biplane, looked back at the Hispanic man that had tagged along with their investigation. &#034Maybe, Detective Vega, but from what the sheriff reported, before everything went cold, was that the k*d was a danger. Two people dead under mysterious circumstances and a few missing. And I don’t intend on going down there with my guard down.&#034

&#034Robbie Shapiro is a weird k*d, I will give this Singer guy that at least. But he wouldn’t and couldn’t be a killer. He still plays with a damn puppet for Christ’s sakes. My daughters have been friends with him for nearly 10 years. Hell, my oldest dated him for a lot of it.&#034

&#034All the more reason, you shouldn’t be here,&#034 the older white officer said coldly as he stared out the window, flying low to avoid some pretty dense fog. &#034You ever wonder why they call them a pod?&#034

&#034What?&#034 the two passengers said, nearly in unison.

&#034Those whales down there,&#034 the older man said, as if this was just as important as the case. &#034The group is called a pod instead of a school, like other fish.&#034

&#034Why do you do this all the time?&#034 the younger officer said, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

&#034Do what?&#034

&#034That. The random ‘look at that’ or the weird philosophical bullshit.&#034

&#034Look, you’re young,&#034 the older man said, giving this look that was almost fatherly. &#034For you, this is all about catching the bad guys and putting the evil people in jail, and that’s normal. Me? I’m all about the scenery and the world around us. The job is just second nature. You forget that being able to see these kinds of sights… it’s an experience many people don’t get.&#034

&#034Were you the same way when the murders happened here decades ago?&#034 Vega said having read the file, trying to make small talk, even if they didn’t want him there. &#034I saw that you worked that case in the file.&#034

&#034Nah… I was just a newbie back then. I think it was the last case I worked before I made detective…&#034 The old man took a deep breath before he continued, clearly affected by the topic. &#034It was pretty awful.&#034

&#034I saw the crime scene photos,&#034 Vega said, flipping back through the thick folder.

&#034Doesn’t do it justice…&#034 the man said, almost grunting, &#034It was a massacre.&#034

&#034So, are we thinking there might be a connection?&#034 the young officer asked, trying to establish a lead over Vega.

&#034Not likely… just a random thing. Maybe a copycat, but there’s no way that this killer, after what they did, would just lie low for nearly 22 years just to reappear. That’s why we’re keeping this quiet. No press until we report back and hear about this evacuation that no one seemed to heed. Near as we can tell, no one’s heard or seen anyone from the island in a day or so.&#034

The older man went silent, deeply contemplating things as he slowly brought the plane down onto the water, slowly moving toward the dock, where it looked like an officer was waiting for them.

&#034Dispatch,&#034 the younger man said into the radio, trying to sound older and more professional than he actually was. &#034Made it safely to Schneider’s Island, and making contact with the local department momentarily. Will be in touch once the suspect is in custody.&#034

While Vega gathered up the supplies in the back, both the state officers began to climb out of the biplane, the younger man tossing a rope to the local man, but the island’s officer remained motionless.

&#034What the hell, man? Can’t catch?&#034 he called out, but he immediately felt a loss for words when he saw the face of the man on the dock. It was scarred, and a quick look showed that there was bl**d all over the collar of the uniform. &#034Stop!&#034

That was the only word he managed as the scarred man levelled a pistol and two lightning fast shots later, giving the younger cop a head shot, and the slower, older cop through the neck, both of the state officer ‘cavalry’ members were dropped into the water.

Vega however, was still inside and drew his weapon and kept it pointed at the killer as he slowly climbed out of the plane. This was the killer, and for a moment Vega wasn’t sure about defending Robbie as the killer had a very thin and nimble frame, but he needed to focus.

&#034Drop the gun, or I drop you…&#034 he said, trying to stay calm despite losing both the men that were supposed to be leading him.

The killer surprisingly did just that, tossing the gun into the water below and raising his hands up in surrender.

Vega made the mistake of lowering his weapon as he approached the seemingly unarmed killer, readying his cuffs instead of focusing on the hands, and a concealed knife quickly appeared in the palm.

For the LAPD officer, it was simultaneously slow motion, and too fast to react as he felt the sharp pain in his stomach as the knife entered with a swift f*rce, and he tried to speak, but found himself unable to say anything as the pain doubled in his stomach. His knees began to buckle and he tried to swing at the killer but the killer moved too quickly and jammed the knife into his throat.

The fade to black happened fast for the father of two, or one, as far as he knew, watching the killer standing above him, just staring. &#034You’re… not… Robbie?&#034 he choked out, reaching up weakly.

The Slasher tilted his head to the side, staring as the life drifted from the out of place detective, and then grabbed the gun from his hand before rolling the dying man into the water. Once the killer was sure, the thin murderer headed towards the plane to start the next phase of the plan.

* * *

&#034So, you ever use one of these before?&#034 Sam said, examining the rifle in front of her, and barely looking at her conversation partner.

&#034Yeah,&#034 Andre said, with a slow breath, &#034in like Call of Honor and Medal of Duty and all those types of games. Can’t be much harder to aim and shoot.&#034

&#034Ha…&#034 the blonde said, with a slight smirk. &#034Better than nothing I guess.&#034

&#034My dad didn’t do this.&#034

All eyes turned to the speaker, and saw Freddie looking pensive at the window. He seemed to be looking for something, pretty intently, out on the back lawn, but no one could really decipher what.

&#034I don’t think Savanna would just lie, Freddie,&#034 Spencer said, trying to remain calm, holding onto his rescued ch*ld closely as she softly napped on his arm.

&#034I’m not saying she would, Spencer…&#034 Freddie turned to face the room. &#034But this doesn’t make any sense for him to do that. Why would he lose his mind trying to schedule boats to get us off this island, and then use Savanna to keep us here?&#034

&#034I kinda gave up on ‘why’s’ a day or two ago,&#034 Nate said, plopping down next to Sam on the couch. &#034It’s been like three hours and no police. What we need to do is go steal a boat.&#034

&#034It’s not a bad plan…&#034 Sam said, coming to the side of her former beau. &#034Not like anyone with a boat left here is going to be needing it more than we are.&#034

&#034You can if you want to,&#034 Freddie said, clenching his fist as Jade moved to his side. &#034But I can’t just live with anymore questions with my father. I have to find him and find my answers.&#034

&#034Freddie, you-&#034

&#034Spencer,&#034 the former web show techie said calmly, cutting Jade off and looking to his former neighbour, as Jade squeezed his arm, &#034I think you guys need to do what you have to, and I’m going to trust you, all of you really, with making sure Jade gets on a boat… even if I’m not back in time.&#034

&#034No!&#034 the former Goth screamed pushing Freddie back. &#034You can’t just keep fucking off somewhere while I just sit here… if you’re going, I’m going too.&#034

Freddie’s face began to flush, &#034I’m not going to let you-&#034

&#034I’m with Benson,&#034 Sam said, nearly jumping from the couch, earning surprised glances from the room. &#034Someone has to look out for him… and her if she’s going to tag along.&#034

Jade sneered and started to say something but luckily, she was cut off pretty quick by another plan.

&#034Andre and I seemed to do pretty decent on the generator…&#034 Nate said, looking to his unlikely friend. &#034We could probably snag the boat.&#034

&#034Then I guess that settles-&#034

&#034Whoa!&#034 Tori exclaimed, once again, turning all the heads. &#034Now we’re splitting up? Looking for Beck was a bad idea, but splitting up chasing after your possibly psycho dad and a boat that someone may have left keys in are both solid? That’s bullshit.&#034

&#034Tori, it’s not like-&#034

&#034Don’t even start ‘explaining’ with me, Jade. You have hated Beck for years now, and I’ve gone along with it. He had a rough time and didn’t treat us well back then, but he was nothing but nice and humble, and kind to me since we got here, and I’m just not okay with this.&#034

&#034Then go look for the asshole, Tori,&#034 Sam said, putting her rifle on her arm, and motioning Freddie and Jade in front of her to leave. &#034Haven’t exactly stepped up much at all. Maybe you should go.&#034

&#034Sam…&#034 Freddie said sternly, giving her a glare that she would usually argue with, but she just slid past her former true love as Freddie looked to the rest of the group. &#034One hour, and we’ll be back here. Otherwise, we will go to the marina.&#034

The group remained silent for a few moments as they contemplated what to do next, eyes avoiding Tori’s now bl**dshot ones, praying for an escape in one form or another.

* * *

&#034Why is it exactly that you keep volunteering me for all these missions?&#034

Nate looked over at Andre and just smirked for a moment. &#034Maybe I just like your company. Maybe if I keep an eye on you, my wallet won’t get stolen.&#034

The aspiring musician stared blankly, trying to figure out if this was more of his mock racism, or if he actually believed what he was saying. &#034I feel like it doesn’t even affect you to call you an asshole anymore.&#034

&#034Did it ever?&#034

&#034I’d like to think so…&#034 Andre said, punching him in the shoulder. &#034But really, why not someone else?&#034

&#034Well, let’s just run down the old roster, shall we?&#034 Nate said, pausing for a second to consider what to look for in the marina’s options, as he pre-pared the list. &#034Freddie is way too focused on his own mission, and while I respect that… it just ain’t really teamwork. That Spencer guys got laser focus on his k*d, which I get, but that’s a liability in this situation. Robbie is a good guy who got dealt a bad hand, and I certainly can’t go with him. And then Beck… well, obviously, that’s not going to happen.&#034

&#034Obviously,&#034 Andre said, with a shrug, feeling bad about his former friend who was missing, and that Nate could just be so blasé about it. &#034And can I assume sexism is the reason that list is so short?&#034

&#034You could assume that, but I got reasons for the ladies as well.&#034 The Texan stopped short to go through to notably longer list. &#034Jade and I have never seen eye to eye, and I guess that’s for the best. I don’t know Carly that well, and I don’t think we’ve even had a conversation. Cat’s so sweet and naïve, I might as well just team up with the 4 year old.&#034

&#034For the record, I’d watch that show,&#034 Andre said with a laugh.

&#034Watch it? Please… you’d record every damn episode…&#034 Nate cracked a smile and for a few shining moments, things just seemed a bit more relaxed. &#034Noelle’s the guy in that relationship but her whole intellectual liberal schtick would just get on my nerves. And Tori… it’s been years since I fell for her and crashed but I still can’t even be in the same room with her without swooning.&#034

Andre waited to hear the last name but it never came. &#034Pretty sure you left off Sam… way I see it, you and her would make a great-&#034

&#034You’re not gonna be finishing that sentence buddy…&#034 Nate slapped Andre on the back. &#034Me and Puckett have got some history but… that’s all it is. The less we see of each other through all of this, the better.&#034

&#034Dude, you don’t have to tell me… I was there when you guys had that epic split. But you-&#034

&#034I said to drop it,&#034 Nate said coldly, rubbing his temples. &#034New subject. Like how-&#034

&#034Like how we could use that plane?&#034

&#034What?&#034 the former line-backer said, looking over his shoulder at the marina, now featuring a white plane. &#034Guess the state guys did arrive…&#034

The two unlikely friends rushed to the plane, but the closer they got, the less white the plane actually looked, thanks to splashes of bl**d on the sides. What started out as a hopeful jog became a cautious slink towards what would certainly be more carnage.

Sure enough, once they got to the plane they were sickened at the execution style that the officers had been subjected to, and Nate carefully checked the door of the plane, hoping that maybe it could be a means of escape, but once again, his hopes were dashed by the insides. Whoever had done this, had also smashed up the radio and the controls, not that either of them could fly anyway.

&#034Nate,&#034 Andre called to him in a shaky voice full of terror. &#034You need to get over here.&#034

&#034Yeah, what-&#034

Nate thought of himself as a strong guy- a man’s man- he was confident, never cried, and never backed down from a fight, but what floated in the water in front of them, shook him to his core.

&#034Is that?&#034

&#034Yeah…&#034 Andre said with a heavy sigh. &#034That’s Tori’s dad.&#034

&#034What the hell would Mr Vega be doing all the way up here?&#034

&#034Maybe the sheriff called him when he thought Robbie was the one doing all of this…&#034 Andre whispered, as if the bodies could hear him. &#034We have to tell her that-&#034

&#034Not a chance. Not just outright,&#034 Nate practically shouted through gritted teeth. &#034She just lost Trina-&#034

&#034Don’t remind me… I was the one who found her, remember?&#034

&#034I know… but still…&#034 Nate scrambled to find the right words to explain the situation if they had to, and he was coming up empty. &#034Let’s just find a boat and worry about breaking the bad news when we have to.&#034

&#034I think we might have an answer though,&#034 Andre said, pulling up a piece of clothing just on the shore of the water. As he wrung it out and revealed the tan uniform top to his friend, both of them instantly knew who the pinned starred shirt belonged to. &#034Pretty sure Freddie’s dad is the guy we’re looking for.&#034

&#034And he and Jade, and… Sam, just went to his place, didn’t they?&#034 Nate paused for a moment wondering if the three of them, or one specifically, was alright. &#034Shit… I guess all three could handle themselves…Let’s just find a way to get the hell off this island.&#034

The two men raced to opposite sides of the plane, checking each boat they could find, but every single one had controls that were either smashed or shot. By the fourth or fifth boat, both of them had lost all the humour they were enjoying and any hope they had for an easy escape.

* * *

&#034Ha…&#034 Sam said, staring at the ground in front of the sheriff’s house before reaching down and grabbing a rock. &#034People never learn how fake these things look…&#034

The blonde criminal thumbed open the rock and revealed a key, giving a self-congratulatory nod to Jade and Freddie who looked more surprised than sycophantic.

&#034Oh thank you Sam,&#034 the blonde said, imitating Freddie. &#034You’re so smart and we’d never do-&#034

&#034Shut the fuck up, Puckett,&#034 Jade said, holding Freddie close, knowing that even though it had been a while, seeing Freddie with someone still got to Sam. &#034Let’s just get inside and take a look around.&#034

&#034But watch out for traps,&#034 Freddie said, looking all around. &#034If my dad is responsible, I don’t think he would just leave his house unguarded.

The trio took a long look around the house which looked pretty meagre considering his esteem in the community. The kitchen was bare, and certainly looked like a bachelor’s place. Jackets were hung on chairs, and everything creaked a bit, but what really blew them away was the living room. Books. Wall to wall bookshelves, with only trophy a****ls punctuating them, and that wasn’t even counting the stacks of books by the doorway.

&#034Yup…&#034 Sam said, patting Freddie on the back harder than she should. &#034This guy’s your dad. No question about it now.&#034

&#034I guess so…&#034 he said, unsure what to make of this since it did answer where at least one of his interests.

&#034Let’s just hope you didn’t inherit the murder genes too?&#034

Freddie almost said something to Sam, but he let it slide, allowing Jade’s death stare towards the blonde say everything he would have liked.

Moving cautiously up the stairs, Jade gripped Freddie’s hand tight as he led the way, with Sam facing downward just in case they might not be alone. Upstairs looked about as unlike the downstairs as anything could. It was neat and orderly, things were put away and there was some sort of clear order to how everything was set up, including the entire east wall, made up pinned diagrams and maps. All the traps they had seen so far had their blueprints on a table, notes scribbled across them, while newspaper clippings were connected with tape and string with bright red ink making notes.

&#034I’m… really sorry, baby,&#034 Jade said gripping his arm and placing her face against the bicep. &#034I know you-&#034

&#034He didn’t do this…&#034

&#034Benson, I know all about denial,&#034 Sam started showing that rare compassion she was secretly capable of showing. &#034But this stuff is all over his house. Stuff about the Slasher and planned traps. I don’t see how-&#034

&#034The newspaper wall is his,&#034 Freddie said coldly, pointing to all the strings and red writing. &#034But these notes here on the traps? Not his. Wrong handwriting. My father is left handed.&#034

&#034There could be two killers…&#034 Jade said, wincing, as if this idea made things 100 times worse. &#034Might explain a lot.&#034

&#034So much for finding answers,&#034 Freddie said with a heavy sigh. &#034Is it wrong I still kinda hold out hope?&#034

&#034No, baby…&#034 Jade said giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. &#034But we need to focus on getting out of here first and foremost.&#034

&#034About that…&#034 Sam said, peering from the window. &#034I can see the marina. The dream team clearly can’t figure how to steal a boat properly. I should get down there.&#034

&#034Ugh…&#034 Freddie groaned, worried about leaving the house without answers, but Jade was right. And Sam too, he supposed. &#034I guess we don’t have a choice but to go help them then.&#034

* * *

Just as Freddie, Jade, and Sam were making their way to the marina to meet Nate and Andre, the others also joined them in a hurry. Spencer was leading the charge, holding tight to Savanna, while Carly, Tori, Cat, and Noelle followed closely behind. Freddie checked his watch and saw that it had only been about 45 minutes, and wondered for only a moment why they would head down so much earlier.

He didn’t have long to ponder, however, as his thought process was shattered by Nate’s booming voice calling out to them.

&#034Hey!&#034 the large young man shouted. &#034I think I found one!&#034

If the inn group was moving fast before, they certainly were now, heading to the center of the area near a long dock with a lone large boat at the end. As the group headed towards the boat with Nate motioning towards them, something happened in Freddie’s mind and everything went into slow motion.

What happened next took place in about 60 seconds, but for the former web show tech producer, it felt like so much longer.

He suddenly had a chill that this didn’t seem right, and that this felt like a trap, but just as he cried out that it was a set up for an ambush, a shot rang out. There was a mist of red that blew from Nate’s hand, sending the Texan into a sudden shock, but recovered to dodge the second shot that was fired.

Those racing for the boat suddenly paused, unable to process things for a half second before turning around. Someone yelled that the inn was far too open for them to rush back to, and another voice suggested the nearest building, which was a bar several yards from the marina.

Everyone ran for the bar as fast as they could as shots rang out, missing nearly everyone, save for a graze on Carly’s shoulder. As the crew rushed inside the building, Freddie looked out, and was happy that everyone seemed accounted for, even if Carly and Nate were both bleeding, the latter still too adrenaline fuelled to realize his palm had been mutilated.

Freddie locked the doors tight while Sam rushed to check for any other ways in or out, so they could be sealed. For a moment, the long-time Seattle frenemies had to admit that the other was pretty handy in a crisis. Once the main door had been locked, as if by magic, the firing stopped completely.

&#034We’re locked in, right?&#034 Spencer said nervously after nearly 10 minutes of silence, as Savanna was softly crying in his arms.

&#034Yeah,&#034 Sam said, patting him on the shoulder as she made her way behind the bar to serve herself, earning the rolled eyes of those around.

&#034So we just need to wait on the state police,&#034 Spencer said with a hopeful head nod, looking around the room, but stopping when he saw Andre doing the opposite, with a very gloomy look on his face.

&#034I don’t think so,&#034 the LA musician said with a heavy sigh. &#034Looks like the killer got to them first. Two officers were shot and… there was someone else.&#034

&#034Someone we know? Was it my dad?&#034 Freddie said, moving towards Andre, feeling fearful.

&#034No…&#034 he looked to Nate, to see if they should keep the information to themselves like they agreed, but he was too busy dousing his hand in alcohol. &#034Tori… it was… it was your dad. He apparently came with the state guys and-&#034

If Andre said anything else, Tori Vega certainly didn’t hear it, as everything just went to silence. Her world crumbled so hard and fast, she just felt her body give up. Falling to her knees on the wooden floors had to have hurt her, but she felt nothing but a hard phantom kick right in her stomach. She had only just accepted that Trina was gone, and now with her dad’s death out of nowhere, she felt, heard, and saw absolutely nothing.

&#034- all three of them were dead… just floating in the water. But we found something too, Freddie. Not sure if you’re gonna like it.&#034

The Seattle raised male had figured that he wasn’t going to get any answers about his father and had started pacing as Andre spoke, but now he once again had Freddie’s full attention. &#034Just tell me.&#034

&#034Nate and I found your dad’s shirt by the dock. Had the star on it and everything. I know you don’t really want to believe it, but-&#034

&#034No,&#034 Freddie said firmly. &#034There’s no way that he, in his condition, a hole in his fucking leg, could take down three cops. I don’t care if he had a gun. He could barely limp. I think he’s being set up.&#034

&#034Or there’s two killers.&#034 Sam said, in a way destroying Freddie’s argument for his father’s innocence, as she poured and downed a shot in a matter of seconds.

&#034Rather than having this same argument over again,&#034 Noelle said, holding Cat closely, &#034we should pay attention to Carly and Nate. The least we can do is look after each other while we seem to have a moment of peace.&#034

&#034Noelle’s right,&#034 Spencer said, already tending to his s*ster’s graze, which really just looked like a bad burn more than a gunshot. &#034Let’s just try and relax and regroup.&#034

Andre moved to help his friend but Nate just raised his hand signalling him to stay back, using a lighter on the wound to cauterize it. The way he emotionlessly handled the pain was as astounding as it was disturbing, and watching him do it made Sam Puckett feel a tingle she’d long since forgotten.

&#034So, did you guys manage to find any boats that we could actually use?&#034 Sam said after a nearly ten minutes of being out of it, trying to snap out of her weird feelings toward her Texan ex.

&#034Not a one,&#034 Andre said, sighing once again. &#034All the rest’s controls were smashed.&#034

&#034Shoulda known that one was too good to be true,&#034 Nate said, gritting his teeth as he continued to burn the wound. &#034Seems like this sumbitch is ten steps ahead of us every one step we take.&#034

&#034Great…&#034 Sam said, rolling her eyes. &#034Guess that’s the end of that fuckin’ plan.&#034

&#034There’s gotta be another way,&#034 Spencer said, looking out the window for a moment at the sabotaged boats 50 yards away. &#034What if we-&#034

&#034There’s another boat!&#034

All eyes turned to Cat who had practically screamed out her words, and eagerly awaited hearing what it was she was talking about.

&#034Noey got us a sailboat rental for the night of the wedding… last night. I think it could still be there.&#034

&#034But that was on the other side of the island,&#034 Noelle said, looking around the room. &#034Even if it’s there, I’m not sure we would make it hoofing it like 8 miles. Plus, not sure if there’s room for 10 extra people.&#034

&#034Give it some time… way we’ve been going, I’m sure our numbers will drop,&#034 Sam said, toasting the room that stared daggers at her for her horrible attempt at humour. &#034I only count 11 people here though.&#034

Freddie started to speak, but suddenly there was a skritching sound on the roof, soft, sneaky footsteps from the sound of it. Sam, Andre, and Freddie all readied their guns at the ceiling noise, waiting for something to happen. But after a full minute, it stopped and things went back to silence.

Savanna, believing it to be a bird, moved over to the window and sat looking all around for what could have put everyone on edge. The innocent ch*ld pressed her hand to the glass and pushed her face tight against it, when the unthinkable happened.

Just as her skin made contact with the glass, something dropped right into her field of vision, frightening the young girl so much she nearly fell over with a bl**dcurdling scream. The others rushed over to see what made the noise, now swaying back and forth in front of the window.

The missing member of the crew, who they thought was left safely back at the inn, was now strung up before them, From the look of his body, not that anyone could look for very long, his hands and feet had been pierced and run through with wire, and barbed wire ran along his neck which was slashed deep. He had become a puppet boy, and if there was ever any doubt that whoever was behind this was twisted, this moment made that abundantly clear.

Noelle and Cat had to rush to the bathroom to throw up, while Carly ran to her br*ther’s arms, as he held his daughter and s*ster close, as if he could shield them from the horror at the window.

Freddie and Andre quickly drap*d something over the window, covering up the visage as quickly and carefully as possible.

&#034We shouldn’t have left him behind,&#034 Tori muttered, falling apart even further than she was 30 minutes ago when she received even more horrifying news.

&#034We couldn’t have just carried him,&#034 Spencer said, trying to stay calm. &#034The inn had been a safe place pretty much. We thought-&#034

&#034We thought wrong,&#034 Noelle said coming back from the bathroom, trying to gather herself together. &#034And now his death is on us for our hubris.&#034

&#034Do you know exactly where that boat is?&#034 Freddie asked, grabbing Noelle’s shoulder, feeling as much blame for Robbie as he was feeling anger toward the dark haired girl’s self-righteous words. &#034If it’s our only shot, it’s our only shot.&#034

&#034Yeah…&#034 Noelle said breathing heavily. &#034I can find my way to it and sail it back to this side of the island.&#034

&#034Cool…I’m down for a field trip.&#034

All eyes swung over to the bar where Sam’s voice had rung out, almost shouting and surprising the room. The fact that she’d volunteer for this was certainly unexpected as being a team player was never really one of her best traits.

&#034What?&#034 the blonde said quizzically, as if this wasn’t a surprising turn of events. &#034I like Sailor Shrub-Scout as much as the next person, but she can’t exactly take care of herself.&#034

&#034Um…&#034 Noelle said, shaking her head, feeling horribly offended, but was relieved she wouldn’t be alone, &#034Thanks, I guess.&#034

&#034Eh, no worries. We could probably make it over and back by nightfall if we-&#034

&#034I don’t think that’s a good idea,&#034 Nate said, bandaging his hand tight.

&#034What’s a bad idea?&#034 Cat said, coming from the back, her eyes still shimmering with tears.

&#034Sam and Noelle heading to the sail boat right now,&#034 Andre said, without thinking how that might affect the redhead to know her girlfriend was leaving.


&#034Kitty Cat…&#034 Noelle said, grabbing the redhead’s arms tight and looking into her eyes. &#034We have to try for that boat. It might be the only way to get out of here.&#034

&#034But we don’t need to go now…&#034 Nate said, receiving slightly confused looks from the room.

&#034Why?&#034 Spencer said, holding Savanna close to his body.

&#034Because there’s a goddamn sniper out there,&#034 Jade said pointing out the window. &#034You two heading out there right now would be like open season for that guy.&#034

&#034She’s right,&#034 Nate said, with a pained sigh. &#034We need to at least wait for nightfall. But I actually have an idea for how we could get this asshole’s attention and get your ladies safely on your way.&#034

* * *

&#034Can I state for the record how much I hate this plan?&#034

The others standing at the bar just stared at Sam, rolling their eyes, and wondering if her doubts and fears were justified. The plan seemed simple when Nate explained it- while others created distraction, Sam and Noelle would sneak out the other way, avoiding the killer’s gunfire, and then move silently to the fabled sailboat. So simple in theory… not so much in practice.

Hours had passed since they had sought shelter in the bar, and now it was finally nightfall. Everything was falling into place for the plan Nate had laid out, but for everyone just sitting around, it just felt like yet another day being kept in a trap.

Freddie was going over the last three days over and over in his head, trying to make sense of who his father was and if he was capable of the evil that they had all witnessed in that time. None of it made any sense to him whatsoever. There was only one witness to his father’s deeds, and the tech producer had no desire to pump her for information if he could help it.

&#034Savanna…&#034 he said quietly to the young girl who was playing with bottle caps. &#034I need to ask you a couple things. Is that ok?&#034

&#034Sure thing, Mister Freddie,&#034 she sweetly replied.

&#034Did my dad seem… alright when you saw him?&#034 Freddie said, readjusting his sitting style so he could get close and not seem to imposing. &#034He was hurt pretty bad, and I just want to know if he was acting fine.&#034

&#034I don’t know… He sounded ok though.&#034

Freddie almost had to do a double take. &#034What do you mean? Didn’t he grab you?&#034

&#034I only really heard his voice. I never saw him, Mister Freddie,&#034 she said innocently. &#034But it’s ok that you can’t find your dad… I can’t find my mom either.&#034

&#034Well, I appreciate that, Savanna, but-&#034

&#034Get away from her!&#034 Spencer said rushing to snatch his daughter up into his arms. &#034Stop harassing her. She needs to rest.&#034

&#034Spencer, I-&#034

&#034No, Freddie…&#034 the normally goofy man no longer seemed to be in a joking mood. &#034I’m sure you mean well, but this is all about your dad and I really don’t want Savanna being brought into this.&#034

&#034The k*d got grabbed and is the only person who has had contact with the killer,&#034 Jade said, joining her fiancé’s side. &#034She has answers that we all need.&#034

Before Spencer could say anything else, Andre called out to the group.

&#034Hey, guys, come over here and help us with these bottles.&#034

&#034So, we’re still good with the ‘molotov the front of the bar’ plan, I guess?&#034 Freddie said, approaching the other guys and Sam.

&#034I’m not,&#034 the blonde said as she started ripping tablecloths apart. &#034But no one cares what I think.&#034

&#034You’re lucky that you drinking so much freed up a few bottles for us to utilize, Miss Puckett,&#034 Nate said offering her a glance as he reached for the torn cloth. He quickly doused them with dish soap before pushing them into the 2/3rds full bottles that Freddie and Spencer were levelling out so that 8 liquor bottles had become 12 ‘grenades.’

&#034So,&#034 Andre said, throwing Nate a confused look of his own, &#034are you making bubbles or bombs here?&#034

&#034Because science,&#034 Sam said, throwing a tough look Andre’s way.

&#034She’s right,&#034 Nate said, pushing yet another soapy cloth into a bottle neck. &#034Everyone knows alcohol’s flammable, but it also burns up really fast. The soap gives it something to stick to so the fires stay a bit longer.&#034

&#034Should I even ask where you learned that?&#034 Spencer asked the large young man, as Nate looked over at Sam who simply shrugged, both of them knowing the answer. &#034Not remotely surprised…&#034

* * *

On the other side of the bar, sat two young women, one of which, a redhead, was sobbing incoherently into the arms of her girlfriend. They had been like this, for the last hour, and while Noelle shared her feelings, she also knew that if there was a chance either of them would get off the is-land, she needed to leave.

&#034I’m sorry…&#034 Cat blubbered, squeezing Noelle tightly.

&#034None of this is your fault, Kitty Cat,&#034 the raven haired girl cooed, stroking her red hair.

&#034Yes it is… I made you come here.&#034 There was a long sniffle while the sweet girl collected herself. &#034To this horrible place. You didn’t want to come, but… I made you.&#034

&#034Cat… there’s no way you could have known.&#034 Noelle lifted Cat’s head up and gently kissed her pink lips tenderly with a smile. &#034And yes, this wedding certainly ranks near the bottom, it’s not much worse than my mother’s third marriage, to a street mime. The whole-&#034

&#034Stop,&#034 Cat squeaked, looking incredibly serious. &#034Don’t do that.&#034


&#034Pretending to be brave,&#034 the redhead said, nuzzling her face into Noelle’s chest. &#034I don’t want you to go.&#034

&#034I don’t want to go either. I want to spend the rest of my life just like this moment, holding the love of my life in my arms. But someone…&#034 Noelle looked at her long-time girlfriend and just held her tight, feeling deep shame for leading the escape mutiny against Beck. &#034But I have a responsibility.&#034

&#034You don’t-&#034

&#034Cat, I need you to do me a favour, alright?&#034 Noelle said, sliding back for a moment and locking eyes with Cat.

&#034Anything, Noey,&#034 she said, her bl**dshot eyes wide with wonder at what this might be.

&#034I need you to hold this,&#034 she said, handing Cat a small metal circle, which was obvious just from the touch what it was.

The ring. The one that Noelle would have proposed with. The one that she fought tooth and nail for from some ugly guy and his girl. The ring that meant they were more than just roommates or girlfriends.

&#034I need you to keep that safe for me, Kitty Cat.&#034 Noelle kissed her forehead lovingly and pressed her cheek against it. &#034Because, when I get back, and I WILL come back to you, I need to ask you something.&#034

* * *

&#034We ready to do this dance?&#034 Nate called out to the room as Sam and Noelle were both getting themselves prepared to run. &#034We’ve got about 12 of these things so I need 4 people.&#034

Freddie, Spencer, Andre, and Jade all got up for the offer, while the others simply stood by the windows wondering, and praying, that this might work. The plan seemed like it would be pretty simple: The four of them would grab three bottles, hold one in the throwing hand that Nate would light, step into the doorway one by one, toss it, then move to the back of the line, rinse, and repeat.

In practice, however, it was far more daunting. Standing the doorway would mean that if the shooter was pointed there, they could be blown away, especially once he figured out the order and everything. Tensions were at their highest for all those involved, and Noelle was practically shivering with fear.

The fire-team tried to breathe, hoping they could run and throw and dodge any danger when Jade suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

&#034Can you work a lighter?&#034

The former Goth turned to face Nate, having her first real conversation with him in God knows how long.

&#034Yeah… I’ve used my fair share,&#034 she said, quickly realizing what he was implying. &#034But I can do this. I actually have both my hands.&#034

&#034Yeah…&#034 he said, leaning in close, an eye moving to Freddie for a moment. &#034But I have a feeling you have something else, much more important than a hand, going for you.&#034

Jade’s eyes widened and wondered if he was actually talking about what she feared he knew. She was pregnant. So far, only a couple people knew, and having this guy, who she had barely talked to since college, insinuate the fact made her all the more uneasy.

&#034So, I’m gonna throw, miss,&#034 the large young man said, putting his hand on her shoulder. &#034You light. We throw.&#034

The Texan moved to the front of the line, tucking the other two bottles into his hurt arm while his strong one prepped the first throw.

&#034Wait!&#034 Cat called out, and rushed Noelle, throwing her arms and legs around her less than brawny girlfriend, and delivering the deepest kiss that the redhead could manage. It went on for several seconds, and it was astounding to the room, which wore slight smiles, that Noelle could hold her up for that long. Finally, Cat came up for air. &#034I couldn’t let you go without that.&#034

&#034Ugh,&#034 Sam groaned, and walked over to her adventure partner, but surprisingly moved based the raven haired girl and went for the injured Southerner. Before he even realized it, she planted a kiss on his astonished lips, and was not shy about throwing in the tongue.

With that done, the two girls headed for the back door and awaited the signal to run after the first round of molotovs, and it was a few seconds before Nate could even see straight to start the plan he had been working on.

Nate drew a couple quick breaths before throwing open the door and moving to Jade who quickly lit the soapy cloth. He tossed it as far and as hard as he could, and it exploded, spreading flames in a surprising circumference. A moment after it hit, a shot rang out, causing Tori to scream in surprise.

The others followed suit as best they could- Freddie, Spencer, and on Andre, a shot hit the side of the door frame, splintering it just as Andre threw.

&#034Go!&#034 Jade screamed, and a moment later, the back door burst open, and was slammed shut, signalling that both girls were now on their way.

The four fire tossers continued, aiming for random spots outside now, trying to keep thing unpredictable, and as Tori, Cat, and Carly watched the back windows, they started to feel giddy that their friends had made it into the woods.

At least, until a loud shot was heard that splintered a branch behind the bar, and from that moment forward, there was doubt that Sam and Noelle were as safe as anyone hoped.

* * *

&#034I don’t understand!&#034 Cat practically screamed. &#034It’s been like two hours… they should be back by now!&#034

&#034Calm down,&#034 Carly said, not looking particularly hopeful. &#034They said it was a couple miles to the other side… that’s gonna take time. Plus sailing that thing over could take the whole night.&#034

&#034Sorry…&#034 the redhead whined, like a puppy that’s just been shamed before moving towards the bar where Jade and Freddie were.

The former web show host shrugged, trying to keep calm and a level head so she didn’t go off the deep end like Cat, but that was no easy task. After a couple minutes of looking around the room for something or someone to focus on, she settled on her ever cheerful niece.

&#034Hey sweetie,&#034 she said, sitting down next to the 4 year old who was just absent-mindedly swinging her legs.

&#034Hey Aunt Carly,&#034 she said sweetly giving her a big hug. &#034Are you scared too?&#034

&#034A little, Savanna…&#034 the dark haired young woman said trying to seem like an adult. &#034Aren’t you?&#034

&#034Oh yeah… but daddy tells me not to be scared. He said he’s not scared.&#034

&#034Did he?&#034 Carly said, wondering what Savanna’s world looks like if her br*ther who had been an absolute wreck was coming off as brave.

&#034Yeah… but he’s lying,&#034 she said, giving Carly the look that said that what she’d just said was the most important news ever. &#034He’s just trying to seem like a hero cause mommy isn’t here.&#034

&#034Where do you think your mommy is?&#034 Carly asked hoping she wouldn’t give anything tragic away.

&#034Don’t tell daddy, but I think she’s not coming back.&#034 The way the words just fell from her mouth, seemed bittersweet, like she understood death, but wanted to play innocent. &#034I’m trying to be brave like daddy, and I know he’s scared so I don’t want him to know she’s dead.&#034

&#034Dead?&#034 Carly said, acting like that word was foreign to her.

&#034Everyone else died… everyone here will too,&#034 Savanna said twirling her hair. &#034Someday at least.&#034

&#034That’s very… interesting, sweetie, but-&#034


All attention went from idle conversations to two bright headlights just outside the bar, illuminating everything but blinding nearly everyone inside. Freddie, Nate, and Andre moved to the windows to look, but were prepared to dodge if things went south.

There wasn’t really much to see thanks to the bright lights, but they could make out someone getting out of a truck. A truck with something on top.

It took Freddie a few seconds, but he finally realized those were lights. This was Singer’s truck. His dad’s police vehicle. If Freddie still had lingering doubts about his dad’s involvement, they were evaporating quickly. The Seattle born tech producer rushed for the door, but Jade stopped him cold.

&#034This might be a trap… you shouldn’t go out there!&#034

&#034I have to…&#034 he said, strongly. &#034He’s my father, and I need to confront him.&#034

&#034No way, Invincible,&#034 Andre said, joining Jade. &#034Dude might have guns or spears or some crazy shit pointed at you, ready to kill. Plus, that might not even be your dad, man.&#034

Freddie was going to speak, but the figure grabbed something big from the back of the truck and put it in front of the vehicle before climbing back in, and driving off, motor revving the whole time.

After nearly 30 seconds, Freddie could not be held back any longer, and Andre ran out with him to whatever the figure left on the ground. The two of them used their flashlights to take a peek at what was left behind, realizing fast that it was less a what and more of a who.


His guts were hanging out and he was ice cold, clearly dead for a while, but what was even more chilling than the body, was that he had some-thing sticking out of his mouth. A piece of plastic held onto a chain. Freddie used Beck’s bl**died shirt to reach up and pry his mouth open, revealing a familiar piece of metal.

&#034Is that a key?&#034 Andre said, wanting to keep his distance from the mutilated body of one of his closes friends.

&#034Yeah… mine,&#034 Freddie said looking up at him. &#034This was my room key at the inn. And the back says ‘Meet at 11pm.’&#034

&#034Damn… let’s get inside,&#034 Andre said, looking at the windows where the others were huddled to see what he and Freddie were up to. &#034I can’t imagine Tori’s going to take this well.&#034

Freddie stopped short and gave a look. &#034Tori? I thought she hated him.&#034

&#034She did for a while I guess,&#034 Andre said, squinting and realizing that he was about to give away a secret of someone he swore to. &#034But they were together off and on since that first semester of college. Secret thing. Didn’t stop until she found out he had slept with Jade again like a year ago.&#034

The look on Freddie’s face showed that he not only wasn’t aware of this information, but also confirmed his fear. &#034I didn’t-&#034

&#034Shit, man… Dude, I’m sorry. You guys were on a break or something though right? I mean-&#034

&#034Yeah… we were.&#034 Freddie’s gut felt like it had just been fired into his throat. &#034Just… we swore we wouldn’t talk about what… and who, I guess… happened during that time.&#034

&#034Fair enough,&#034 the musician said with a sigh, angry at himself for letting two secrets slip out, and without a response for either of them.

As the two entered the bar once more, Nate threw the lock back on the door and joined the mob waiting to hear what exactly they had found. There was no point in anyone asking if it was any sort of good news, as Freddie and Andre’s faces clearly displayed a deep despair.

&#034So was it your dad?&#034 Spencer asked, partially wanting to be right as it would prove Savanna wasn’t lying, but he still felt bad for Freddie.

&#034I don’t know…&#034 the tech producer said, deadpan expression across his face, &#034but someone was in his truck and dumped Beck’s body outside.&#034

&#034What?!&#034 Tori screamed out, the aspiring pop star pushing to the center of the group, in front of Andre and Freddie.

&#034Way to just tear that bandage off, man,&#034 Andre said, trying not to make eye contact with the heartbroken young Latina.

&#034I guess he got to him in the tunnels,&#034 Freddie said, avoiding eye contact with everyone, save for Jade who looked more heartbroken than he’d prefer.

&#034So your dad just dumped him off like he was garbage?!&#034

Jade stepped forward to touch the shoulder of her maid of honour, &#034Tori, I don’t-&#034

&#034Fuck you two!&#034 she practically shouted, Spencer doing an impromptu earmuff session for Savanna. There was silence for a few moments as it was clear something explosive was coming once Tori found the right words.

&#034I understand that Beck was-&#034

&#034You don’t understand a goddamn thing, Freddie!&#034 the brunette singer fumed as she turned her rage to pushing him against the wall. &#034You and Jade are just the same! You don’t care about anyone but yourselves and your ‘perfect’ relationship. You have always been that way. Whether it’s being more focused on your own issues while your friends die, or kicking people to the curb because you got tired of using them as a fuck-toy.&#034

&#034Look, Vega-&#034

&#034No… not this time, Jade. You don’t get to just say ‘Look’ and then make some point that puts you in the ‘right.’ Does anyone besides me even care that he’s dead?&#034 She looked around the room, searching the eyes of the others for some semblance of sadness, and found no one, except Cat who was already a wreck, showing the least bit of sympathy. &#034He was our friend for years. For some of us, he was more.&#034

All eyes moved to Jade for a moment, but Freddie’s stayed for a few seconds longer, still processing what Andre said.

&#034You two tore my heart out, and you know what I did?&#034 Tori asked, looking back and forth between the former bride and groom. &#034I acted like it didn’t bother me, and tried to be your friend, knowing what I was missing out on- fantasizing about being Jade and you making me yours, Freddie. Or imagining that pillow I’d press against me was your body, Jade. I did that every night practically, and STILL, I agreed to stand beside you while you got married. I did what I had to do just to keep you around, and not once did I even feel like you cared. You guys do whatever you want… I’m fucking done.&#034

Tori sneered at her former friends and lovers before marching into the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

&#034Daddy what’s a fuck-toy?&#034

&#034Umm…&#034 Spencer said wide eyed, and still wincing, giving a look of blame to Freddie before taking Savanna to the other side of the bar to ex-plain away something that he never imagined in a million years.

&#034Not to ignore what just happened,&#034 Nate said, taking a seat on a barstool, &#034but do we think dumping Beck meant something?&#034

&#034I don’t know…&#034 Freddie said, his face flushed and ears buzzing from getting verbally bitch slapped. &#034This guy loves showing off his work. Tasha, Robbie, that psychic, and now Beck.&#034

&#034Or…&#034 Carly said, coming to Freddie’s side to casually touch his shoulder to comfort him, &#034maybe he was a gift.&#034

&#034What?&#034 the three guys said in unison towards the former web star.

&#034Well, if this is your dad, maybe giving Beck to you, since he was Jade’s ex, was like a gift.&#034
&#034That’s ten degrees of fucked up,&#034 Andre said, shaking his head.

&#034No more fucked up than stringing up Robbie like a goddamn marionette,&#034 Jade muttered, her mind also still little more than static since Tori’s rampage completed.

&#034Fact, he said back, before looking at Freddie as if it was his turn to speak. &#034There’s something else we found too.&#034

&#034Yeah,&#034 Freddie said, reaching inside his pocket to pull out the key. &#034This was in Beck’s mouth. Post mortem I’d assume. But whoever left this key wants me to meet them.&#034

&#034You’re not seriously-&#034

&#034I don’t know, Jade,&#034 he said calmly. &#034If this is my dad, maybe he just wants to talk.&#034

&#034Or…&#034 Jade said, preparing her sardonic retort, &#034it’s another fucking trap by the killer to get you alone, like… I don’t know… every fucking thing that’s happened so far.&#034

&#034I think I need to go,&#034 Freddie said, walking back behind the bar, to fix a drink before he went out into the night for this meeting. Jade quickly shuffled over to him, leaving Nate, Carly, and Andre to stand there and grasp for conversation.

&#034We should go with him,&#034 Carly said, as if this was the only option.

&#034Like hell,&#034 Nate said, looking around the room. &#034He wants to head up there alone, more power to him, but I ain’t leavin’.&#034

Andre started to agree, but quickly realized why Nate was not exactly trumpeting for Freddie. The cowboy still had something protective with Tori and the fact that he, and Jade, had hurt his longtime love, was not going unnoticed.

&#034I’m actually thinking Carly might be right…&#034 Andre said, wanting to let Nate blow off his steam and talk to Tori if it might help either of them. &#034We’re just gonna have to not let him notice us.&#034

&#034Let who notice what?&#034 Spencer said, joining the conversation.

&#034Freddie wants to go off and meet his dad since there was a note on Beck’s body.&#034 Carly spilled. &#034I think we should follow him and be there if things go south. You should come too.&#034

&#034Will Savanna be safer here or with us, you think?&#034 he asked, believing that helping his former neighbour did need the backup even if it was his dad behind this.

&#034I don’t see why not,&#034 Nate said, looking around the room. &#034Me, Tori, Cat, and I guess Jade, can handle it here.&#034

&#034Then I guess I’m in. I don’t think I could handle another question from her like that ever again…&#034

The others tried to let their chuckles hide the fact that they were going on a mission they might be crazy for trying.

* * *

&#034Why the fuck do you keep trying to leave me?!&#034

Freddie looked over at his long-time love, her teeth gritted tightly, making her anger abundantly clear without the volume.

&#034I’m not trying to leave-&#034

&#034Bullshit, Benson,&#034 she said, pressing him against the bar. &#034Every chance you get to leave me alone, you do. Going to the police station, going after the k*d, checking out Beck’s body, this meeting shit… Whether you realize you’re doing it or not, I want to know why.&#034

&#034Fine…&#034 he said, with a heavy sigh, before looking her in her piercing blue-green eyes. &#034You’re not wrong.&#034

&#034There… that so fucking hard?&#034

&#034Yeah, actually,&#034 he fired back, turning his back on her for a second. &#034I can’t be around you and be ok.&#034

&#034What the hell are you talking about?&#034

&#034This… all this, I have felt since the start, like it was my fault. Like there was something that I’m responsible for here.&#034

Jade’s demeanour went from rage to compassion in a split second, surprising both of them actually.

&#034I don’t believe that… I’m not blaming you for anything.&#034

&#034Jade…&#034 he said, his thumb sliding across her cheek as she nestled against his palm for a moment. &#034You nearly called off the relationship when you thought Robbie, who I invited, was responsible. I’m pretty sure if my dad is responsible for killing all these people, then you’re not exactly going to be ok.&#034

Jade tried to speak, but nothing would come out. He was right, but she couldn’t say that. Not here and not now.

Freddie checked his watch, and saw it was almost time, and kissed Jade’s silent mouth before heading out the door, not wanting to make too much of a scene. He was so nonchalant that he didn’t notice that he was being followed nearly 50 yards back by three people.

* * *

The former iCarly cameraman took several deep breaths as he climbed the stairs of the inn, fearing what might be waiting for him when he reached that door, holding his rifle tight. Would it be Singer? Would it be the killer, ready to pounce and kill him? Would it be both? His dad’s truck was still running back behind the inn, and there was no question that whoever left that message was here now. With a mighty thrust, her opened up the door to his hotel room and his heart sank at the silhouette against the moonlit window, as the sheriff faced him, standing stiff.

&#034So it is you…&#034

&#034Is… Jade safe?&#034 the sheriff asked, standing as still as he could be, staring exasperated at his estranged son.

&#034Yeah… she’s safe at the bar, no thanks to you.&#034

&#034That’s good…&#034 Singer said, with a heavy sigh. &#034At least the Slasher held up that end of the bargain.&#034

&#034Yeah, well I got your other gift too, ‘Dad’,&#034 Freddie said, with enough venom in his last word to kill a snake, stepping forward. &#034I know the ‘Slasher’ died twenty something years ago, and so do you… drop the act.&#034

&#034No!&#034 Singer shouted, staying stiff. &#034Don’t come any closer. And the Slasher isn’t dead either.&#034

Freddie stepped forward just to spite him, and Singer winced, his eyes glancing over to the bedside table.

&#034That man,&#034 the sheriff said, his voice straining as if something very wrong was about to happen, still eyeing the bed. &#034That monster never died. Just waited. I took credit for killing the Slasher even though no body was found. Col Shay helped, but I shielded him from the investigation, since he had his hands full with Spencer, raising that k*d as a single parent. But really… I lied to get this job and earn some fame points.&#034

&#034What?&#034 Freddie said, stepping forward again.

&#034Stop!&#034 Singer shouted at him again, forcing Freddie to look at the floor for triggers. &#034You shouldn’t have to pay for my sins, Freddie… I’m… I’m so sorry.&#034 Singer started to cry, his body staying completely rigid, which was starting to make his son nervous. &#034You need to get out of here… I thought this was about me…&#034

&#034You can’t tell me what to do, Singer,&#034 Freddie said, getting angrier by the second. &#034You abandoned me, and then proceed to tell me this story about your innocence, so… what? I might help you with this sick shit?&#034

He took another step forward and Singer winced again, flinching at some expected pain.

&#034No!&#034 Singer said, starting to tear up at his son screaming at him. &#034You have to go now!&#034

* * *

Back at the bar, things had calmed down a bit. Cat had camped out by the window, waiting for any sign of her former roommate, and current girlfriend. Jade and Nate were sitting at the bar sharing small talk, trying not to think about their friends and loved ones being out there, but his eyes were focused on Tori the entire time. The aspiring pop star sat alone at a table, staring off into the distance, and feeling relieved and ashamed at the same time for her outburst.

&#034Miss Tori?&#034

Tori looked down and saw Savanna tugging at her shirt, and looking sad.

&#034Hey Savanna… are you ok?&#034 she asked, trying to be polite.

&#034I need to tell you something, and I think Miss Jade would be mad if I told her.&#034

&#034Well,&#034 Tori said, wondering if this was some sort of karma for what had come to pass, &#034I think you should tell me, or your daddy when he comes back.&#034

&#034I need to tell you now,&#034 the young ch*ld said, looking at Tori with sad and ashamed eyes. &#034I lied.&#034

&#034About what, sweetie?&#034 Tori said, stroking the girl’s brown hair.

&#034It wasn’t Freddie’s dad that took me. It was my friend, the man with the scary face.&#034 Savanna just looked at Tori like a sad puppy. &#034I didn’t want to lie, but he said that if I didn’t lie, he said that daddy would disappear just like mommy, but once Freddie was gone, I could finally be with Mommy again.&#034

&#034Savanna…&#034 Tori said, feeling speechless.

&#034I don’t think that man is a nice man after all…&#034

* * *

&#034The Slasher is more than just alive, son… you have to understand that!&#034 Singer yelled, praying Freddie wouldn’t step any closer.

&#034Yeah… because you’re the Slasher!&#034 he shouted back, pointing the gun at him. &#034You were so hell-bent on getting my attention. Well, here I am. Say what you need to say!&#034

&#034I can’t say anymore. You need to go now. This is a trap!&#034

&#034I knew it! This was all about luring me away…&#034

&#034Not for you… this is a trap for everyone else!&#034 Singer cried out, easing more towards his son despite the pain. &#034For all your friends! For me!&#034

The sound of a revving engine told Freddie that this wasn’t what he thought it was at all, but as the headlights lit up the room a bit more, he could see the ropes. There were four of them, each connected to a limb, which explained why he was so stiff, with all four going out the window behind him.

And then Freddie saw what his dad kept staring at during the shouting match: a walkie talkie, with the talk button taped down. Whoever this was, had been listening to the whole thing.

Freddie lunged for his dad, but Singer stepped back and shook his head.

&#034It’s too late for me, son…&#034

&#034But… but I just met you…&#034 Freddie felt his body tearing up inside, going from hate and anger into utter sadness and despair at what was going to inevitably happen. &#034I need to know more.&#034

&#034I have told you everything I can. I wish I could say more. He,&#034 the grizzled man shot a death stare at the listening device, &#034promised to spare you if I wouldn’t reveal anything and gave myself up. I’m so sorry… Just know that I loved Marissa with all my heart, but I was too much of a coward to face up for what I did. I loved your mother once too,&#034 Singer said, ignoring the face Freddie was making, so he could finish, the revving outside getting louder. &#034And I love you so damn much, I-&#034


Like a flash, Singer was pulled out of the window, and Freddie couldn’t help but stare as the glass shattered behind his screaming father as he was jerked out. Even more horrible was the realization that the ropes on his hands were not tied to the truck, but to something above. Freddie was frozen in absolute horror as the man who just confessed the love he’d missed his whole life, was torn in half, his upper torso just swinging in front of the window, his insides dripping on the patio beneath the window.

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